Sony has launched new MP3 player Sony Walkman E450. It will come to market in August 2010 and there is no details on pricing as yet. It comes with different storage capacity like 4GB, 8GB and 16GB. It is available with different colour range like green, pink, blue, red and black. Also, it is having excellent sound quality with clear audio technologies, dynamic normalizer and VPT.
The features of Sony Walkman E450 are as follows:
1. The storage options including 4GB, 8GB and 16GB.
2. 2 inch QVGA LCD display
3. Battery backup up to 50 hour (music) and 10 hour (video).
4. Funky design and rich WALKMAN® sound.
5. Bookmark function for easy playlist creation.
1. The storage options including 4GB, 8GB and 16GB.
2. 2 inch QVGA LCD display
3. Battery backup up to 50 hour (music) and 10 hour (video).
4. Funky design and rich WALKMAN® sound.
5. Bookmark function for easy playlist creation.
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