The Spice Mobile has announced the launch of multi-SIM phone M-6 Sports on July 30, 2010. The phone comes with the features including sports, social networking and java applications and it supports facebook, yahoo and nimbuzz. The cost of the mobile is around Rs.4500/-.
The features of the M-6 Sports mobile are as follows:
1. 1.3 megapixel camera with digital zoom.
2. Expandable memory support of 4GB.
3. The phone supports MP4 and 3GP videos.
4.The battery supporting a talk time of 5 hours.
5. Mp3 audio player, FM radio with recording.
6. Stereo Bluetooth, WAP and GPRS.
7. It supports social networking applications including facebook, yahoo and nimbuzz.
8. Opera Mini web browser and video sharing application Vuclip.
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