Feb 28, 2011

Acupuncture - Cure of the ancients

Acupuncture is one of the oldest of the medical sciences, developed by man to fight out and cure human illnesses. Developed by the Chinese, it has a recorded history of more than 2000 years. The history of Acupuncture can be traced to antiquity as there is evidence suggesting the use of crude stone needles by men in the stone age. It was much later that the Chinese discovered these methods and applied them effectively. It was by chance, perhaps that people found pain and disease could be relieved by massaging, or knocking the affected area. When people had summed up a series of such experiences, they sought to rid themselves of ills by messaging, knocking, patting or pricking the site of the discomfort. And so Acupuncture began.

During the Kuo Mintang regime, especially during the reign of Chaing Kai Shek, acupuncture suffered a great set-back and suppresses and neglected. The whole credit for reviving this great science in this century goes to Mao Tse Tung who encouraged the study of acupuncture along with the western medicine. The result of this is that today in China, doctors of medicine get training both in western medicine and acupuncture and use both for the ultimate maximum benefit of the patient.
Today, all over the world, interest has been aroused as regards the mechanism of action of acupuncture. Convinced of the efficacy of acupuncture as an empirical science, today scientists do not ask the question of whether it works, but are busy probing how it works. Extensive research in this field has bio-electrical medicine. In short, it has been found out that acupuncture basically deals with the bio-electrical and bio-physical properties of the human body and through this, it affects the functioning of the whole body and mind. Recent research in U.S.S.R by using a special technique called Kirlian photography has objectively demonstrated beyond doubt, the existence of the meridians and acupuncture points. Acupuncture points are found to be small areas of lowered electrical resistance on the skin and an instrument called ‘Punctoscope’ or ‘toiscope’ has been invented to detect these points. The concept of yia and yay forces in the body coincides more or less with the sympathetic and parasympathetic activities of the autonomic equilibrium between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Acupuncture therapy brings about this dynamic equilibrium and thereby the stability of the autonomic nervous system. The other effects of acupuncture therapy observed scientifically are analgesia (relief from pain), tranquility and sedation, immunity improvement (enhancement of natural body – resistance to disease and degeneration), improved circulation of blood and recovery of the motor functions.
Following are the few important ailments which can be better treated with acupuncture. (The list is based on clinical research and the report of the W.H.O. inter- regional seminar.)
1. Musculo-skeltal disorder:   osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, pain and arthropathies of all joints, cervical spondylosis, lumbago, sciatia, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow.
2. Neurological disorders: polio myelitis, paralysis (hemiplegia, facial paralysis etc.) tics, tremors, neuralgias (trigeminal, intercostal etc.) migraine, tension, headache etc.
3. Disorders of special sense organs: stammering, deafness, deaf-mutism, Miniere’s disease, myopia(in children), diplopia etc.
4. Psychological disorders: anxiety neurosis, depression, functional impotence, drug and alcohol addiction nocturnal enuresis.
5. Respiratory disorders: chronic simusites, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis.
6. Gastro-intestinal disorders: chronic, hyperacidity, ulcerative solitis, chronic abdominal pain.
7. Gynecological disorders: pain during menstruation and other menstrual disorders.

Acupuncture is either a magic cure or an act of hypnotic suggestion, but it is a science dealing with the study of the subtle life currents or bio-energy in health and disease, based on thousands of years of experimentation and experience. Like any other science, it has its own merits and its own limitations.  Along with other merits as described earlier, the greatest merit is that it is simple, safe and without any side-effects. It attacks a disease or discomfort not only symptomatically but also at a deeper energy level, trying to remove the root-cause of the disease and thus producing lasting resulting.

The obvious limitation of acupuncture therapy is that it cannot be used in very old persons with low ebb of vitality. As far as possible, it should not be used during pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester.
But on the whole, there is no doubt that the judicial use of acupuncture is one of the most important weapons in the medical armamentarium of fight human illnesses and diseases.

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