Dust Allergy
Dust allergy refers to allergic symptoms caused by airborne particles in our environment like pollen grains, house dust cockroach and insect parts fungi and mould indoor and outdoor smoke fumes and other pollutants climatic changes and viruses and bacteria.
These airborne particles can affect different parts of the body i.e nose sinuses ears lungs and eyes.
Nasal Allergy or Allergic Rhinitis;- people complain of sneezing itching of the nose nasal blockage with intermittent watering of the nose Some people also develop increased watering of the eyes and redness of the eyes A.few people develop headache bodyache, malaise fatigue and irritability with the passage of time the nasal secertion become dry and enter the throat to cause sore throat with development of dry cough Recent research suggests that many children with nasal allergy also have poor school performance and absenteeism from school.
Allergy of the Sinuses or Allergic Sinusitis:- paranasal sinuses are empty spaces around the nose, which are usually filled up with air There is severe headache in the frontal region and swelling around the nose especially in the morning This headache become less as the day advances There is watering of nose with secretions which may be yellow or green in colour . There may be sneezing or itching in the nose and sore throat in some Some people may complain of loss of taste or smell If the condition is not treated fever may occur due to super -added bacterial infection .
Allergic symptoms of the Ear and Throat Dust allergy can also affect the Eustachian tube (ear) and throat Children with allergy of the ears complain of acute earache on one side usually occurring early in the morning These children are usually irritable may have fever and occasionally nausea vomiting and diarrhoea
In the case of allergy of the throat there is a sticky sensation or pain in the throat especially while swallowing
solids There may be dery cough and sometimes fever and a sensation of vomiting.
Allergic Symptoms of the Eye :- Itching is the hallmark of allergy of the eyes that can Iast from the eyes Most environmental allergen exposures are associated with symptoms affecting both eyes Sometimes sharp and piercing pain of the eyes and swelling of eyelids may also occur.
Allergic Asthmsa; Dust allergy usully affects the lungs and the condition is know as allergic asthma Those who suffer from this condition complain of recurrent episodes of wheezing -high -pitched musical or whistling sounds heard during exhalation Such individuals have a feeling of tightness around the cheat and coughing particularly at night or in the early morning They have difficulty in breathing even when they are immobile The condition may deteriorate and nebuliser may be required in many casea Asthma being a genetic disease is associated with other types of allergy especially skin allergy Usually one or more parents many be suffering from some type of allergy This disease is more common and intense during childhood and sometimes becomes latent or disappers during adulthood changes in weather conditions especially a humid or rainy weather precipitates allergic asthma in most sensitive individuals.
Food Allergy
Food allergy refers to the outcome of immune response following food intake whereas food intolerance refers to toxic contaminants in food or stale uncooked or undigested food lack of digestive enzymes or due to psychological reasons
Reaction to foods is usually rapid appearing withing an hour (or sometimes even in second )of consumption though it may appear after up to four hours in oral region in the digestive system respiratory system eyes skin or all over the body The usual symptoms of food allergy are as follows
1.In the oral region itching and swelling of the lips tongue palate and throat may be observed The symptoms are often associated with intake of various fruits and vegetables patients with nasal allergy due to ragweed may develop symptoms after intake of melons and bananas Similarly patients sensitive to birch pollen may develop oral symptoms due to intake of raw potatoes carrots celery apples and hazelnuts The symptoms generally resolve rapidly
2. Symptoms in the digestive system develop within minutes to two hours of eating the offending food The symptoms are nausea vomiting abdominal cramps bloating and diarrhoea.
3. In the respiratory system, people with food allergy experience it.ching in the nose sneezing a runny nose and wheezing breathlessness voice changes and coughing Inhalation of a allergen while cooking or during food processing can cause severe asthmatic symptoms.
4.Some prople develop itching watering and redness of the eyes.
5. The skin is a frequent target organ of food allergy. The most common skin manifestation of food allergy are skin rashes such as nettle rash (also called urticaria or hives) appearing within minutes of conusumption
of food allergen These skin reactions disappear within a few days Some people develop long-lasting scaly patches which have a relapsing course and are associated with asthma and nasal allergy.
A few people with food allergy develop shock like state with low- blood pressure pressure weak pulse irregular hheartbeat and sometimes death people with peanut allergy have often had a fatal result.
Allergy to Medicines (Drug Allergy)
Allergy to medicines occurs mainly by two mechanisms Immunoglobulin E-mediated reaction and cellular allergy (T-cell hypersensitivity) In the case of the former reaction there has to be an adequate time of exposure to generate the immunoglobulins and in many cases the first exposure does not produce allergy The signs and symptoms of the drug or the disease being treated penicilline allergy is the most common drug allergy seen today Cellular allergy is seen mostly as skin allergy to poison oak adhesive tape and several skin creams and ointments.
Insulin Allergy:- Insulin is the most widely used human hormone used in the treatment of diabetea and is associated with allergic reaction due to its protein nature Reaction to insulin at the site of injection occurs in about 5% to 10% of patients There is pain swelling and itching at place of injection which may progress to a larger swelling which persists for many days In some people rashes develop all over the body and there are adverse changes in the blood pressure breathing pattern and digestive system.
Penicillin Allergy:- Many people suffer frome penicillin allergy and there have been fatal results with penicillin allergy and there have been fatal results with penicillin injections especially those given intravenously Skin test with penicillin injection a must for all cases even those who have received this injection earlier without any
reaction . Those who are allergy to penicillin injections are invariably allergic to oral penicillins like Ampicillin Amoxicillin and the family of Cephalosporins like cephalexin Cefadroxil etc However allergy reaction to these medicines are milder and not fatal
SuIfa Allergy Sulfa allergy is also common in many people though reactions are not always fatal
Aspirin Allergy::- Aspirin is second to penicillins as a cause of drug allergy people with allergic asthma or nasal allergy have an increase in their symptoms when they take aspirin for fever bodyache headache etc(These symptoms occur after about two to three hours of intake of aspirin Thus there may be increase in running nose redness of eyes cough breathlessness and headache on taking aspirin Rashes all over the body may develop in some cases In others there may be swelling all over the body with abdominal pain low blood pressure and hoarseness of voice.
Allergy to Anaesthetic Agents
In people undergoing minor or major surgeries local and general anaesthetic agents are used to reduce pain during surgery Some individuals are allergic to these anaesthetic agents The symptoms are sometimes manageable such as pain and swelling at the injection site low blood pressure increased heart rate skin rashes breathing difficulty abdominal pain and sometimes the results are fatal.
Allergy to vaccines
Vaccines are used for prevention of different diseases Many individuals are allergic to these vaccines due to different constituents of the vaccines.
1.Due to the presence of egg protein in the vaccine some individuals are allergic to Yellow Fever and Influenza vaccines.
2.Due to presence of mercury as a preservative allergy to Dpt(Diphtheria pertussis Tetanus) and HIB(Haemophilus Influenza B) vaccines is observedconsumption of food allergen These skin reactions disappear within a few days some people develop long -lasting scaly patches which have a relapsing course and are associated with asthma and nasal allergy.
3.A few people with food allergy develop shock -like state with low-blood pressure weak pulse irregular hearbeat and sometimes death people with peanut allergy have often had a fatal result.
Allergy to medicines (Drug Allergy)
Allergy to medicines occurs mainly by two mechnisms Immunoglobulin E-mediated reaction and cellular allergy (T-cell hypersensitivity)In the case of the former reaction there has to be an adequate time of exposure to generate the immunoglobulins and in many cases the first exposure does not produce allergy The signs and symptoms of drug allergy do not resemble known pharmacologic effects of the drug or the disease being treated Penicillin allergy is the most common drug allergy seen today Cellular allergy is seen mostly as skin allergy to poisone oak adhesive tape and several skin creams and ointments.
Insulin Allergy:- Insulin is the most widely used human hormone used in the treatment of diabetes and is associated with allergic reactions due to its protein nature Reaction to insulin at site of injection occurs in about 5% to10% of patients There is pain swelling and itching at the place of injection which may progress to a larger swelling which persists for many days In some people rashes develop all over the body and there are adverse changes in the blood pressure breathing pattern and digestive system.
Penicillin Allergy ;- Many people suffer from penicillin allergy and there haven been fatal rusults with penicillin injerctions, especially those given intravenously Skin test with penicillin injection is must for all casea even those who have received this injection earlier without any
reaction:-Those who are allergic to penicillin injections are invariably allergic to oral penicillins like Ampicillin Amoxicillin and the family of cefadroxil etc However allergic reactions to these medicines are milder and not fatal.
SuIfa Allergy:- SuIfa allergy is also common in many people though reactions are not always fatal
Aspirin Allergy:- Aspirin is second to penicillins as a cause of drug allergy . people with allergic asthms or nasal allergy have an increase in their symptoms when they take aspirin for fever bodyache hedache etc. (These symptoms occur after about two to three house of intake of aspirin Thus there may be increase in running nose redness of eyes cough breathlessness and head.
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