Jun 23, 2017

Joint Pain

Joint pain is term that sends  a chill down many a spine Hence it is extremely important to check our posture while standing sitting or lying down failing which we are bound to go down with joint pain If this joint pain remains neglected it can cripple the body for a life time Though this condition is common in old age it can strike at any age The bones lend support and give a definite shape to our body several bones join together in a specific pattern to from the skeleton Movements occur at the points where two bones meet called the joint The joint are protected   by a thick capsule which holds the bones together The opposing bony surfaces at the joint are covered by a  layer of spongy substance  called cartilage There is a joint space between the opposing bones which is filled by lubricating substance  called synovial fluid that prevents  friction between bones during joint movement. There are several types of joints in our body depending on the type of movement carried out The various causes of joint pain are listed below.
  • Over -exertion at any joint leads to extreme wear and tear of the lubricating substances and the cartilage and makes the joint extremely painful and immobile.
  • Certain professions like those of traffic policemen bus conductors etc demand long hour of standing in an erect posture The joint yields to intense stress leading to pain in the knee and the calf.
  • Infections may spread to the joint from the surrounding areas and cause sickening joint -pain 
  • Direct trauma to the joint many lead to a tear in the capsule and cartilage leading to intense pain
  • Direct  trauma to the joint may lead to a tear in the capsule and cartilage leading to intense pain.
  • sedentary lifestyle either induced  by lethargy or a chronic illness is deleterious to joint health and invariably ends in painful joints 
Neck pain invariably affects some professionals like journalists bank employees computer professionals accountants clerks and the like who work long hours with the neck bent down In addition the pain even travels down  In  addition the pain even travels   down to affect the shoulder and upper arm. neck pain.
The home remedies that provide relief are
  • sufficient quantity of gingiley  oil is massaged gently round the neck A little   later a handful of whole black gram is taken and dry-heated in a frying pan over a strong flame These heated seeds are bound in a clean piece of cloth and hot fomentation is   is applied to  the massaged  area
  • The leaves of ruta   plant are thoroughly cleaned under  running water and crushed well A handful of these crushed leaves are added to a pan holding a cup measure of gingiley oil and the mixture is fried over a low flame This is well decanted The oil thus obtained is the upper arm This increases the local blood circulation and relieves pain.
  • Apiece of ginger a whole garlic and kulinjan (Rashme) are crushed together Three cups of water are added and the mixture is brought to boil over a low flame with vapourisation the solution  is reduced to half of its previous volume and decanted Half a cup of this solution consumed three time a day relieves the musclespasm and cures neck pain. spoon of this juice consumed three time a day relieves long standing neck pain
back pain invariably affect a majority of the middle-aged and elderly population.
prolonged assumption of faulty postures lack of exercise and obesity are the prime causes of backache If people working long hour seated do not assume an erect posture they can be sure of excruciating backache due to the concenteationof the whole body weight on the lower spine This in turn lays great stress on the nerves of the spine This in turn lays great stress  on the nerves of the spinal cord causing additional pain in the legs Also the lack of exercise weakens the muscle of the back causing backache In case of obesity those extra pounds of fat decorating the expanding waistline press upon the spinal nerves causing pain.
In addition back pain is also experienced by people who are very anaemic (pale)  and also by women during their monthly menstrual  periods
The most effective and time -tested home remedies for back pain are;
  • Wheat grains are slowly pre -heated over a low flame in an iron pan These grains are then powdered and one teaspoon of this powder is consumed two time a day with honey making a perfect medicine for backache and lethargy.
  •  A spoon of dill (sabbasige) seeds are powdered well and to this are added two spoons of gingiley oil This mixture is ground well to obtain a paste which when applied and massaged locally relives backache.
  • A whole garlic (with its outer skin peeled off) is crushed and ground well. To this is added an equal quantity of cumin seeds ginger and powdered and added to the above mixture in equal quantities Asmall Quantity of asfoetida is heated over a pan powdered and added to the mixture All the above ingredients are thoroughly mixed to a dough-like consistency It is then made into pills about the size of pepper One pill each in the morning and night consumed with a cup of hot water drives a way even the toughest of backaches.
our knees bear the brunt of the whole body weight when we assume an erect posture A pain in the knee can be due to several reasons prime among these is being overweight and leading a sedentary lifestyle.
In addition an infection in knee joint may cause septic arthritis.
An auto-immune (destructive to self) disease process in the knee leads to rheumatoid arthritis This is termed Amavata in Ayurveda
when the knee joint is over-used as in case of manual labourers athletes etc it leads to wear and tear A similar process occurs in the elderly leading to a change in the structural architecture of joints and friction between opposing bony surfaces during movement This goes by the name of osteoarthritis
 This goes by the name of osteoarthritis referred to as sandhi vata in Ayurveda.
The pain in the knee due to any of the above causes responds remarkably to the following home remedies but only in the inital stages long standing pain always needs expert care
  • A handful of mustard  seeds are ground well in water and later heated over a good flame The medicine thus prepared is applied to the knee joint twice daily This increases the blood flow in and swelling Likewise the medicine made by crushing sesbania leaves or drum stick leaves when applied to the knee provides similar results 
  • Application of local heat is indispensable in the treatment of any type of pain A requisite amount of cleans  sand is heated over a high flame in an iron pan . A requisite amout of clean sand is heated over a high flame in an iron pan This is then tied in a piece of cloth and local heat is applied over and around the kneeing local heat This wards off both pain and swelling.
  • Kulinjan ginger black cumin seeds are taken in equal quantities and powdered well To one spoon of this powder are added three cups of water and the mixture is original volume it is decanted and consumed three time a day 
  • Three spoons of ghee two spoons of castore oil and one spoon of gingiley oil are mixed and brought to boil over a pan This mixture when massaged around the knee alleviates the  pain This has proven efficacy especially in the the case of osteoarthritis.
certain people experience an excruciating pain rediating from the lower back, down the thigh right up to the corresponding foot.This pain is termed as ''sciatica''. This is due to the irritation and pressure effect upon the sciatic nerve which travels from the spinal cord in the lower back, down the thigh, branching right upto the foot.This is termed Gridhrasiva.
Gridhra means vulture in Sanskrit.Akeen observation of vulture walking on the ground reveals that the bird involuntarilly drags one of its legs held straight, acrooss the ground.

A patient suffering from ''sciatica'' also keeps the affected leg straight and draws it across the ground while walking.Isn't it an excellent  simile? This disorder can be right by the assumption of erect posture while standing and sitting and by controlled exercise.
A piece of dry bark of the drumstick tree is crushed well and to a spoon of this is added quarter
spoon of cumin seeds In addition three cups of water are added and the mixture is brought to boil till it vapourises to half its volume The solution is decanted and a pinch of asafoetida and rocksalt are added to and consumed three time  a day.
Coconut pulp is scraped out and squeezed well to extract its milk To this is added an equal quantity of lime juice extract its milk To this is added an  equal quantity of lime juice extract and mixture is gently of lime juice extract and the mixture is gently massaged over the affected joint parts The coconut extract replenished the nerve energy and the lime -extract improves local blood circulation This causes dramatic reversal of symptoms 
  • The leaves of the Dhatura plant (a stray plant are washed well crushed and the  juice is extracted The juice is gently massaged over the affected areas.
  • An increase in the stretch forces in the outer part of the elbow due to frequent outward swing like action of the hand and upper arm in tennis players leads to a condition called tennis elbow This may also manifest itself in those who write voraciously Care should be taken not to lift heavy weights or to sleep with the arm under the  heada as these can only make matters worse
  • The most effective home remedies for tennis elbow are.
  1. A pinch of powdered camphour is added to a small quantity of eucalyptus oil which is gently massaged over the elbow And the very next moment the pain is gone! 
  2. Basil leaves and  pepper   are pepper are mixed  and ground in equal quantities Quarter spoon of this mixture with a little ghee added is consumed twice dsaily to obtain lasting relief.

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