Nov 4, 2010

How to take care of health during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman must take care of her health to prevent the miscarriage (Garbhasrava) and an abortion (Garbhapata). Premature expulsion of the fetus up to the four months of pregnancy is identified as miscarriage (garbhasrava) and while after four months of pregnancy the expulsion is identified as an abortion (garbhapata). Symptoms of pain in pelvis and back, uterine discharge, nervousness of the pregnant woman from the first month onward should be treated to avoid the occurrence of the either.
Avoiding Miscarriage: Everything You Need To Know To Feel More Confident In Pregnancy
Following food stuffs are considered to be very much helpful for pregnant woman: wheat, butter milk, honey, sugar, banana, grapes, ripe mango fruits, sweet and cold liquids, desirable and tasty foods.
Also, spending time in moon nights, oil massaging and bathing, comfortable cushions, cold breeze and listening good quotes will improves the health of the pregnant woman and fetus.

Following things must be avoided by a pregnant woman:
Engaging in quarrels, incompatible foods , incompatible meals, night walking, stealing, watching bad things, excessive intercourse, labor, carrying heavy weights, wearing heavy cloths, sleeping and remaining awake during inauspicious hours (like during the eclipses, etc) sitting in difficult postures, sorrow, anger, fear, agitation, obstructing the flow of urine, fasting, walking on footpaths, eating during nights , looking into deep holes and wells, liquor are must  be avoided  by pregnant woman, since it may result in delivery problems. It could even lead to warmth or death of a fetus. Pregnant woman should not continuously eat spicy, oily, sour or bitter edibles. Consumption of vata promoting edibles might cause deformities (like hunchback, blind, deaf and dwarfism) to the child. Similarly, intake of pitta promoting edibles would affect to the child with deformities like baldness and yellowish complexion.

Doing work, nasal therapy, bloodletting, intercourse, unequal meals, incompatible food, obstructing flow of body excretion, excessive eating, sleeping during day time and constipation foods are all avoided by the pregnant woman who are in their delivery period.

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