Feb 24, 2011

Yogic Home Exercises

Yoga and yogaasanas were being practiced thousands of years ago by the Indian rishis. But it is practiced more in the western countries now than in India. Modern western muscle-building exercises develop only some parts of the body for outward display. But the practice of yogaasanas develops the whole human system.

One who systematically does yogic exercises is agile and nimble. He has a very elastic spine and supple body. The circulation of blood in the arteries and veins is kept in proper order by the practice of yogaasanas. There is no stagnation of blood in any part of the body. The spinal chord is toned up. It prevents the development of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. It lubricates the whole body system.
The yogic exercises are preventive and curative. The whole course of practically essential yogic exercises can be finished in 20-30 minutes every day if you practice at least 3 essential asanas like Sirshaasana, Sarvaangaasana, and Paschimottasana on an empty stomach in the mornings after answering calls of nature. The following are a few of the most beneficial yogaasanas:
1. Sarvaangaasana.
2. Sirshaasana.
3. Paschimottanaasana.
4. Mayuraasana (Pea-cock pose).
5. Haalaasana (Plough Pose).
6. Matsyaasana (Fish Pose).
7. Vipareethakarani.
8. Dhanuraasana (Bow pose).
9. Bhujangaasan.
10. Savaasan (Corpse pose).

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