Mar 2, 2011

Are you afraid of exams? Here are some tips for your studies and examinations

When flood comes the fish eat the ants and when water dries the ants will eat the fish. Fate gives chance to everyone and we just have to wait for our turn. The examination is the opportunity given to the students to show their capability. The fact of the education is ocean full of syllabus, river level questions, bucket level we study and marks come drop by drop.

Here are some tips for your studies and examinations:
1. Examinations are just like barriers to carry us to the next step and to examine as how much we are through in the subject, so never be tensed about the exams.
2. Be studying from the starting day of your school or college, so that you need not prepare yourself for the exams separately.
3. If you are up-to-date with your portion of studies understood the problems clearly and you must be ready to solve them without mistakes, and solved about many types of problems you can be ready for the exam.
4. When your exam dates are nearing, prepare a scheduled timetable allotting equal time to all subjects and especially to the subjects in which you are weak, and you can increase your study hours at the same time be sure that you are not being tensed by the burden of studies allot some time for your entertainment.
5. Prepare key notes for your quick glance and grasping. The day before the exams you must be with free of mind be cool and never be tensed.
6. The day before the exam, you should just glance over the points. Don’t go on studying all the night and get tired, so that you will never be fresh on the exam day and with that stress you cannot write properly in your exams.
7. Be earlier to the examination hall and never miss any exams may be monthly tests or internals exams.
8. First as you see the question paper read it cleanly first and then start answering giving good present and past facts as examples, neatness accuracy, formulas, definitions, practical examples all can fetch you more marks in the exams.
9. If any problem goes wrong and you are not getting the right answer, then don’t go on trying it again and again. Better you leave it to solve at the last and then continue with the next problem because of one problem you may be losing marks of the remaining questions, and don’t be tensed that your answer has gone wrong.
10. At last, you can solve the problem which you had left in the middle, but don’t leave without attempting.
11. Examiner when he sees your paper should be impressed with the neatness and hand writing and the first answer always matters, if at the starting you write roughly and answer badly, he will be bored and you may not get good marks.
12. Never leave the examination hall till the last minute, even if you have finished your paper. Go on glancing through your paper. You may find grammatical or spelling mistakes, or any minor changes which you can alter.
13. Even if you don’t understand or you are not interested in any subject, then do not neglect it go on through it thoroughly for perfection.
14. If you study one or two hours daily, you will be free from the exams tensions.

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