Mar 3, 2011

Pregnancy Troubles, Premature Delivery, Abortion, Morning Sickness, Harmful Effects of Drugs on Pregnant Women:

• A pregnant woman should take plenty of butter-milk. Complaints of a pregnant woman can be minimized if she occasionally eats the meat of flying fox (big bat).
• Premature delivery, mortality of the baby in the womb or its ill health can be prevented if the woman frequently takes sarasaparela (Nannari) in the form of sherbet or chutney of its roots.
• Habitual abortion can be prevented if the pregnant women frequently drink the decoction made out of the bark of the country fig tree.
• Raw papaya will cause abortion. Pregnant women should not eat raw papaya in any form.
• To prevent habitual abortion, frequently drink the decoction made by Ashoka tree in water mixed with cow’s milk and sugar.
• All womb troubles can be set right and habitual abortions can be prevented if the woman frequently drinks the decoction (with milk) made out of the roots of Shathaaveri (available in Ayurvedic shops) mixed with a little candy.
• Habitual abortion in the 3rd to 6th month of pregnancy and also the blood-like discharge up to the 3rd month of pregnancy common in some women, can be prevented by drinking at frequent intervals the decoction prepared by boiling in water the outer bark of the country fig tree or mix 4-5 fruits of the same tree with milk and give it to the woman to drink for 5 consecutive days in the mornings.
• Abortion can be prevented if the pregnant woman drinks 2 gms of Thuppadevadaru roots (Pinus deodara) rubbed and dissolved in cow’s milk every morning for 5 days during each month of pregnancy.
Morning Sickness:
Many women suffer from nausea and vomiting in the early months of pregnancy. Nausea is maximum in the mornings and hence it has described as morning sickness. It usually ceases after the first three months but may persist a little longer some cases.
1. One of the easiest ways to prevent morning sickness is to eat something before getting out of the bed. A cup of tea with some biscuits or a piece of fruit eaten on waking up, helps a lot.
2. In case nausea and vomiting still persist, you should see your doctor. There are various medicines which can give symptomatic relief.
3. As soon as you wake up in the morning, take 5-6 drops of the juice of green ginger mixed with a spoonful of honey and sip it little by little.
4. Get a little cumin seed (jeera) and a little coriander powder them together and mix the powder with the decoction prepared by boiling Nelli (Amla) fruits in the water, add milk and suger to taste and drink it twice daily morning and evening for a few days in a moth until there is relief
5. Or, mix coriander powder with sugar, dissolve it in rice-water obtained after washing rice (before cooking) and sip it little by little during the course of the day.
6. Chewing a piece of tamarind with salt pepper is effective for curing morning sickness and indigestion.
7. Half a teaspoon of powdered cumin seed (jeera) mixed with a teaspoon of tamarind pulp and a little honey and taken before breakfast is good for the prevention of cure of morning sickness, nausea and vomiting, biliousness and jaundice.
8. Mix a quarter teaspoon black pepper powder, four teaspoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and four teaspoons fresh lemon juice. Boil this mixture until it thickness. Take it early morning, on an empty stomach, for three days. It is an effective remedy for morning sick/nausea/acidity.

Pregnant women should never take any drugs, injections and X-rays for ant ailments and anti-nauseants for morning sickness during the entire period of their pregnancy especially during first 12 or even 20 weeks when the congenital nucleus structures such as eyes, ears, heart, bones, muscles, etc of the infant are in the process of formation and development in the fetus, unless it is for a pre-existing illness or one that has developed during pregnancy. Even then the decision about when to administer drugs or injections in such special cases and which of these are safe from the point of view of toxic effects on the fetus is still a ticklish question.
Excessive consumption of foods containing vitamin A during pregnancy will result in disfigured or physically defective offspring. This has been established in the researches made by Dr Edward Lamor of Toronto, Canada.
To lighten the post-delivery stretch marks on the body, particularly around the navel, apply olive oil after bath on areas which are affected. You should start this treatment in the third month of pregnancy.

Easy Delivery:
Pregnant women should freely take lime juice from the 4th month onwards as it helps for easy delivery.
Some pregnant women get false pains during the 8th month itself. On such occasions grind a few coriander seeds with rice-washed water and give a spoonful of this to the patient several times. The pains will subside and the womb will return to normal.
Breast milk:
• Take 24 gms each of the seeds of Sabbasiae and Methi seeds and boil them in water, strain, milk and sugar and let the nursing mother drink it once daily for 3-7 days. This will increase and purify mother’s milk.
• A grain of asafetida with a teaspoonful of infusion of cloves take 3 times a day for a few months after child birth increases lochia and secretion of breast milk. It also prevents flatulence and helps digestion.
• A pinch of cinnamon power mixed with a little honey and taken every night, checks early of ova after child birth, delays occurrence of menstruation and prevents early conception. It also increases of breast milk.
• Breast milk will increase if the nursing mother frequently eats cowpea beans as vegetable dish during meals.
• Gruel prepared from the roasted methi seeds, milk and sugar is given to increases breast milk.
• Breast feeding helps the womb to shrink back to its normal size more quickly.

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