Feb 18, 2011

Matsyaasana (Fish Pose)

Method: Sit on a blanket with the legs stretched. Bend the right leg and place the heel on the left hip joint. Bend the left leg and place the heel on the right hip joint. This is Padmasan or foot-lock. Then lie on the back without raising the Padmasan from the ground. Now, lift the trunk and head and rest the top of the head on the ground by bending the back well. Then, catch hold of the toes. This is Matsyasana. Remain in this position for ½ - 3 minutes. Fatty persons who find it difficult to from a foot-lock may simply bend the legs at the knees and so practice it.

Benefits: This asana relieves the stiffness, if any, caused in the neck by Sarvaangaasana. Thyroids and para-thyroids receive plenty of blood. The apices of the lungs, the cervical upper dorsal nerves, the endocrine glands and the pituitary and pineal glands located in the brain are all stimulated and toned up. These glands play a vital part in the physiological functioning of the various systems of the body.

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