Aug 20, 2011

Prepare spinach soup

Required: 1 bunch spinach leaves, 1 bunch coriander leaves, 1 bunch spring onion with leaves, 1 small lettuce head, 4 large cups consomme or vegetable stock, 2 table spoon butter, 1/2 table spoon chilli powder, 1/2 cup cream, salt and pepper to taste.
Method: Break up the lettuce, onion with tops, and spinach, and put them in the mixer together with coriander leaves. Add enough water to cover the greens and run the mixer till the vegetables are finely chopped. Drain vegetables in a seive. Heat butter and fry the vegetables, add salt, pepper and chilli and simmer for 15 minutes. Pour in the stock and cook for another 15 minutes. Before serving, add the cream, bring to a boil and serve with crisp toast.

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